
Date Event
2024-06-19 Joonhyeok and Jisu have joined our lab. See People!
2024-02-29 Dayeon and Kyurhi graduated our lab. See Gallery!
2023-12-02 Seohwa presented at the KSS Winter Conference entitled "A Two-stage Multiple Testing Procedure with Copula for Effective False Discovery Rate Control". Also, she was awarded fourth place in the Graduate Student Presentation Award.
2023-12-01 Kyurhi and Dayeon presented in a poster session at the KSS Winter Conference entitled "False Discovery Rate and Application to HIV Data with BLOSUM62" and "The FDR Controlling Procedures with Dimension Reduction and their Application to GWAS with LD Scores", respectively.
2023-08-31 Seungyeop graduated our lab.
2023-07-05 Yeji has joined our lab. See People!
2023-02-28 Soyeon, Dohyup and Myungjun graduated our lab. See Gallery!
2022-07-12 Dayeon and Kyurhi have joined our lab. See People!
2022-03-02 Seohwa has joined our lab. See People!
2021-10-26 Kyuhwan has joined our lab. See People!
2021-09-01 Dohyup, Myungjun and Seungyeop have joined our lab. See People!