Junyong Park
- Professor, Department of Statistics, Seoul National University
Department of Statistics, Seoul National University, Building 25 Room 326
1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Korea
Research Area
- Hypothesis testing in high dimension
- Multiple testing
- Classification in high dimension
- Bioinformatics
- Meta Analysis
- Ph.D. in Statistics, Purdue University in 2006. Aug
- M.S. in Statistics, Seoul National University, 1997. Feb
- B.S. in Statistics, Seoul National University, 1995. Feb
- Professor with tenure (2020. Feb - current) Department of Statistics, Seoul National University
- Professor (2019. Aug - 2020. Jan), Department of Mathematics and Statistics at University of Maryland Baltimore County
- Associate Professor with tenure (2012. Aug - 2019. Jul) Department of Mathematics and Statistics at University of Maryland Baltimore County
- Assistant Professor (2006. Aug - 2012. Jul), Department of Mathematics and Statistics at University of Maryland Baltimore County
- Military service (1997. Aug - 1999. Oct)
Current Graduate Students (SNU)
- Kyuhwan Kim (Ph.D. candidate at SNU)
- Seohwa Hwang (Ph.D. candidate at SNU)
- Hyunsung Kim (Ph.D. student at SNU)
- Yeji Seong (M.S. student at SNU)
Past Students (SNU, UMBC)
- Kyurhi Kim (Ph.D. Student at Emory University, M.S. SNU, 2024)
- Dayeon Jung (Samsung Electronics, M.S. SNU, 2024)
- Seungyup Hyun (Samsung Electronics, M.S. SNU, 2023)
- Myungjun Kim (Samsung Electronics, M.S. SNU, 2023)
- Dohyup Shin (LG U+, M.S. SNU, 2023)
- Soyeon Lim (M.S. SNU, 2023)
- Yewon Kim (Ph.D. UMBC, 2022)
- Neha Agarwala (Post doctoral Fellow, National Cancer Institute (NCI), Ph.D. UMBC, 2022)
- Hoyoung Park (Assistant Professor in Sookmyung Women’s University, Ph.D. SNU, 2021)
- Iris Ivy Gauran (Postdoc fellow, KAUST, Ph.D. UMBC, 2018, joint with Dr. Dohwan Park)
- Amanda Plunkett (National Security Agency in the U.S. Ph.D. UMBC, 2015)
- Sungwoo Choi (Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. Ph.D. UMBC, 2014)
- Deepak Ayyala (Augusta University in the U.S. Ph.D. UMBC, 2013, joint with Dr. Anindya Roy)